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Customs House #4 Pier Park Administration Dr Road Town, Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-346-7718
Latitude: 18.423772, Longitude: -64.614899
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Kommentar 5

  • Volker Hofmann

    Volker Hofmann


    Wir haben diese Bar geliebt! Die Aussicht auf den Hafen ist großartig, der Painkiller ist mit gutem Rum gemixt, die Auswahl an Zigarren ist wirklich breit gefächert und der Service ist gut. Was will man mehr?

  • Kara Niekerk

    Kara Niekerk


    Was there a while back and didn't have a great experience. Waiter tried to cheat our bill and my party was covered in small insects on our legs from the outdoor furniture. I gave it a review on FB and got a very rude response from the business so figured I'd share my bad experience. Maybe I'd have enjoyed it if I was smashed and unaware of my surroundings, but I don't appreciate staff that try to steal from me.

  • Corey Roth

    Corey Roth


    This place is upstairs at the end of the street in the port. They have an incredible rum selection including some rare ones that you can sip on. They are also a cigar bar of course. I was pretty happy with their house cigar. A lot of crew from the cruise ships frequent here so you can often pick up some good gossip.

  • Nat Caruso

    Nat Caruso


    Great Bar and awesome cigars and then you have the owner Steve that makes this one heck of a bar, if you are planning to go to Tortola dont forget to stop by.

  • Sharman Yarnell

    Sharman Yarnell


    Great ambiance and bril rum punch! I have no doubt that the martinis are equally superb! Don't miss this beautiful bar!

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