Treasure Isle Hotel i Road Town

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Waterfront Drive, Road Town, VG British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-494-2501
Latitude: 18.4283875, Longitude: -64.617269
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Kommentar 5

  • Sean Lemons

    Sean Lemons


    Check you bill when you get home... they love to double it.

  • Amy Hoffmann

    Amy Hoffmann


    The owner gouged our credit card after we returned to the States. Charged us over $370/night for a room that costs $140 on their website. Charged our entire group of 10 over $7k for 6 nights. (3 rooms) We were here during the hurricanes. Luckily we had a place to stay. During that time we had no water, no sewer, no power. Didn't see management or maids from the hotel after the storm hit, except to try and sell us a chicken breast for $30. The owner even told us that since we were American we have a golden parachute to get us home. I suppose that's how he justified ridiculously overcharging us.

  • Norman Henry Martin

    Norman Henry Martin


    Nice place and one of few remaining near town after hurricanes.

  • kevin simon

    kevin simon


    The rooms are clean and the food is good. Most of the rooms on the lower level of the hotel have adjoining doors and one can hear everything going on in the room next door. This can be very disturbing and is horrible for privacy. The property has great potential if the owners would only pay greater attention to it. All in all it is not a bad place.

  • Gary Franklin

    Gary Franklin


    This is quiet and out of the way. The rooms are really dated as is the entire property. The food is good. Service is mediocre. It is an older less trendy property, but you can get a great nights rest here and a decent meal as well.

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