Sail Caribbean Divers i Parham Town

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Waterfront Drive, Parham Town, VG De britiske jomfruøer
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-495-1675
Latitude: 18.424482, Longitude: -64.568839
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Kommentar 2

  • Yolanda Rios

    Yolanda Rios


    I dove twice with Sale Caribbean Divers, they were excellent, especially my first dive. It had been over a year since I had done any diving, so I was feeling a little nervous. In the office Nadia Marry was very friendly and helped me get all the paperwork sorted. The crew were very welcoming and knew who I was straightaway. Dale from Canada, was lovely and took me in hand and make me feel comfortable and put any concerns I had at ease. Brian from USA and the intern at the time Yoni from Finland were most attentive, friendly and calm. The knowledgeable Dale led an excellent dive to Wreck Alley, with his clear instructions and calm nature he made my first dive in over a year a memorable experience. Yoni talked me through everything while we were waiting for the other divers and he's calm nature and attention made me feel calm and ready to dive. On my second day diving I had a new crew. Adam led a dive and explained things very clearly and we saw some excellent plant life and many pretty fish, we even saw an Eagle Ray! Yoni joined us for the 2nd dive on my 2nd day diving, he was still helpful and attentive even though we was with another team (thanks for patching up my leg Yoni).

  • Drake's Outdoors

    Drake's Outdoors


    We were in Tortola for a few days and decided to dive.. Sail Caribbean took us out to a few different places on the first day. The water was rough but it was still very enjoyable. Our second day we went out to the Rhone. That was a very neat experience. I have been on a few wrecks before but this one was very interesting. I would recommend them to anyone who is wanting to experience diving in the BVI.

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Sail Caribbean Divers

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