Sage Mountain National Park i Tortola

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British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-284
Latitude: 18.4036521, Longitude: -64.6606832
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Kommentar 5

  • Adam Strange

    Adam Strange


    After being on a boat for a week it was great to walk around land for a bit. I visited the park after Irma so I am sure the views and experience is different than before Irma. Because a lot of trees had been blown over we had several great views of the next islands and beaches. The hike is pretty easy but I would recommend sneakers as there were several trees we had to climb over. We hiked the whole loop in about 1.5 hours. After the holidays stop by the mountain view restaurant for a banana smoothie!

  • Liz Heitz

    Liz Heitz


    rainforest in the Caribbean

  • Cat Gardiner

    Cat Gardiner


    Gorgeous views 360°

  • Shaunt Kiredjian

    Shaunt Kiredjian


    Awesome views and a nice hike!

  • Alicia Marie

    Alicia Marie


    What an amazing place! There is one man working in the visitor center and he will go out of his way to make sure you enjoy your trip. But, you're kinda expected to buy something at some point. We took the offer for a banana smoothie after hiking the park and it was appreciated by both parties! On the day we visited, we were there by cruise ship. It was hard to find a taxi willing to take us so far out of the tourist area. We agreed to a rather high price and he gave his phone number to the man in the visitor center so that we could be collected after. The man told us there have been times he has had to bring people back to the port because the driver left them. We, thankfully, didn't have that problem. The trails are well marked and easy to hike. Wear sneakers and bring water, but aside from that you don't need much besides very basic physical abilities. We didn't see anyone else while we were there, and the beauty was breathtaking. I recommend sage mountain to everyone visiting tortola 💕

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