Red Rock i Parham Town

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Waterfront Drive, VG1110, Parham Town, VG Britische Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-495-1646
Latitude: 18.4401638, Longitude: -64.5600307
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandra Thomas

    Sandra Thomas


    The best ever and always will,am one of the star

  • Dave Tanchak

    Dave Tanchak


    Very good food and service. Great location right on the water!.. the surroundings are still damaged from the hurricane but the restraunt is good!

  • Natana Rose

    Natana Rose


    Delicious food, attentive, respectful service. Right on the water.

  • J Munch

    J Munch


    Good food and nice people

  • Joe E

    Joe E


    What an awesome find. Beer is cold. Drinks are strong. The atmosphere and service is outstanding. We had three different starters and three excellent We will be going back very soon to try dinner. Easy to find. Plenty of parking. Don't miss!

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