Mango Bay Resort i Virgin Gorda

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1150, British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-495-5672
Latitude: 18.4736664, Longitude: -64.413271
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Kommentar 5

  • Jamal Stevens

    Jamal Stevens


    The beach here was very nice and calm

  • Stefan Strandberg

    Stefan Strandberg


    My wife and I spent our honeymoon here, and I can guarantee we would go back. We chose it because it seemed fairly quiet, private, and like it would have great snorkeling. It was all of the above. It was mostly older couples staying there, and through conversations I learned that most of them had been going to this resort for years, and I can understand why. If you're looking for a place that has a bar, live music, food on-site, or a bunch of nightlife, this isn't the resort for you. If you want peace and quiet, wonderful snorkeling, kayaking, and a super friendly and helpful owner (Gino is awesome!) I can wholeheartedly recommend this place. We definitely want to go back as soon as we can find the time and money again (it took 4.5 years of marriage to get that time and money in the first place!) If you stay here and want restaurants and night life, rent a car. We got a package deal from Geno that included a vehicle, and I can say that it made things a lot easier, from buying food to cook at the resort to going out for other things. There's a lot of great restaurants on the island, and some have live music. I wouldn't recommend this resort if you're going by yourself, and while it's probably family-friendly, it didn't really seem like the sort of place I would recommend bringing young children to, and honestly I appreciated their absence on our stay, as it kept things a lot more peaceful and romantic feeling.

  • Arthur Upchurch

    Arthur Upchurch


    This place is great for couples who want privacy as it's rather isolated. Since I was by myself, there wasn't a bar, restaurant or grocery within walking distance. Although close to a wonderful beach, mosquitoes attack at dusk no matter how much spray you use (this seems to be the main problem throughout most of the Virgin Islands so hanging out near a dock or pier with no sand seems to be a safe area). I did receive a great rates and I had the option to kayak or use floats for free.

  • Erica Hutchison

    Erica Hutchison


    We love Mango Bay! We stayed there in January (just before the busy season) and found we were only one of 3-4 couples on the beach throughout the entire week. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Gino arranged for our dinner to be delivered to our villa the first night (after a long day of traveling). He also had kayaks and snorkeling equipment for us to borrow that we used the entire week. He gave several recommendations on where to go for dinner and the locations of the best beaches. The rooms were cleaned daily. The WiFi worked great. Best vacation! Can't wait to go back!

  • Mike Hicks

    Mike Hicks


    We had our honeymoon here in January of 2013 and it was fantastic. We searched for hours on the web and ended up having to call to get reservations settled - it seemed we had to stay in two units due to limited availability on the dates we needed. The owner Gino was great from the first call to our last goodbye on the way back home. We were pleasantly surprised that we didn't have to change units and the one we got was literally 20' from the water. Great place to stay - highly recommended!

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