Lambert Beach Resort i Tortola

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British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-495-2877
Latitude: 18.4501353, Longitude: -64.5788458
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Kommentar 5

  • Annjellica Barrett

    Annjellica Barrett


    Whenever i am in Tortola, lambert is the only place I want to stay. The new rooms After the storm is even better than the last ones. The workers are friendly, ocean view is just wonderful. I LOVE IT!!

  • ken ocampo

    ken ocampo


    Relaxing place - white sand - Atlantic ocean cool breeze a perfect get away.

  • Donna Wencil

    Donna Wencil


    Stayed here for one night prior to a catamaran cruise. Lovely resort and the reception staff was fabulous. Geeta and Nicole went out of their way to help me when I discovered I had lost my wallet on the flight over.

  • Chris Seward

    Chris Seward


    This is a great private resort on the far side of the island. It feels very special, undeveloped, has a nice restaurant and a gigantic pool, as well as a nice secluded waterfront with a great north-facing beach. The lack of an overdeveloped waterfront is very refreshing.

  • G L Speer

    G L Speer


    My wife & I stayed one night at this facility on May 16, 2016 prior to beginning a one week sailing charter. We would happily return here on our next trip. The reception staff was welcoming and very helpful. The restaurant was wonderful and we had an enjoyable conversation with the chef. The recent name change to Turtle Bay Resort from Lambert Beach Resort confused a taxi driver when we were returning from an outing. He did not recognize the new name but immediately understood when I mentioned the Lambert Beach the facility borders. Excellent value for the money.

Nærmeste Logi:

Turtle Bay at Lambert Beach

Box 53415 East End, Tortola
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