Bobby's Supermarket i Road Town

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Road Town, Britische Jungferninseln
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-495-2140
Latitude: 18.4235221, Longitude: -64.6199191
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Kommentar 5

  • Samaki Hinkson

    Samaki Hinkson


    It's convenient and always the one place to go when others are closed

  • Octavia Alexander

    Octavia Alexander


    It's the only supermarket in the heart of town after hurricane Irma. It's just okay to me.

  • Leroy Smith

    Leroy Smith


    I love your dannon yogurt with fruit on the bottoom. It's not available in other stores. Please keep selling it.

  • Martina J

    Martina J


    Bobby's is back in operation!!! They are always fully stocked and they have a food deli that sells freshly cooked local food for breakfast and lunch. Parking is poor as there is no dedicated parking area for the supermarket.

  • Kathy Lang

    Kathy Lang


    We did our provisioning with Bobby’s in Feb 2018 (post hurricane). They did everything possible to make our experience easy and positive. Angela was great help via email in getting our order placed. Upon arrival, Elton met us, showed us around and helped us find the provisions we wanted to hand select - produce, deli meats and cheese, baked goods. After Mark completed our pre-order, he spent a great deal of time helping us with the extensive deli selection. The produce was better than home and the meats and cheeses were both fresh and delicious. Our 9 person crew sends a huge thank you to Bobby’s team for being such a great help. Our provisioning was truly easy.

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