The Cabernet Bar and Grill i Road Town

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Waterfront Drive, Vg1110, Road Town, VG British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-494-8660
Latitude: 18.420118, Longitude: -64.617934
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Kommentar 5

  • darwin Q

    darwin Q


    5 star and 2 thumbs up for the steak! The best place to experience steak in tortola!

  • Patrick Ormond

    Patrick Ormond


    Good food. Nice selection of beer. Great place for casual lunch. Popular Friday nights too.

  • Nicki Derrick

    Nicki Derrick


    Food was nice. Good variety on the menu. I just found the food to be a little too cgar grilled and the flavour of the food itself was overpowered by pepper and a lot of char

  • Nick Cunha

    Nick Cunha


    If you want a great BBQ dinner in Road Town, "The Cab" will not disappoint. This is a good bar with great BBQ and fair prices. The staff are very friendly, the beer selection is possibly the best in Road Town, the grilled pork shoulder, ribs and brisket are prepared by a legit pit master. Table service is the one weakness. Most of the time you'll have to walk to the bar to pay. I have lived in the BVI for 13 years and by now have come to accept that this is often the standard of service at a lot of restaurants. The difference at The Cab is, the BBQ is worth standing up and paying for. Comparing the food and drink, this place, puts Pussers (next door) to shame.

  • Tom W

    Tom W


    Nice cozy place. Like sitting in a tropical garden. Prices are good. Locals frequently go here.

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