Stoutt's Lookout Bar i Leonards

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Route 1, Leonards, VG British Virgin Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-284
Latitude: 18.4163098, Longitude: -64.6679952
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Kommentar 5

  • Erin Hamilton

    Erin Hamilton


    If you don’t come here you’re probably a terrible person and don’t like puppies or other great things either. Great drinks, great views, great people.

  • Ross Armstrong

    Ross Armstrong


    Great cocktails awesome views .The best pinacolada I've ever had .

  • paul pedge

    paul pedge


    Expensive beer only ended up hear because of the tour bus stopped there plus side it has great views

  • Stephen Hale

    Stephen Hale


    This was my first stop from the airport in Tortola. My cab driver picked me up and pulled over to Stout‘s and said cmon! I helped open the place up and was offered a shot of cane rum! This place is absolutely amazing and the second you pull up all your stress goes away! A must go to when you are here!!!!

  • Martina J

    Martina J


    This is a nice little spot to get away, sit and relax and enjoy the environment. The view of Cane Garden Bay is absolutely amazing!

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