Peebles Hospital i Road Town

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Main Street, Road Town, VG Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze
Kontakter telefon: +1 284-494-3497
Latitude: 18.4170959, Longitude: -64.6191137
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Kommentar 5

  • Vern Roberts

    Vern Roberts


  • Fábio Taranto

    Fábio Taranto


  • John Aigbekaen

    John Aigbekaen


  • emma paull

    emma paull


    Had both my children here. The new hospital is a lovely building. The staff are great. They have a few institutional issues but most hospitals do. It is a nice Caribbean hospital.

  • Joey Varney

    Joey Varney


    I've never met such wonderful hospitality smiling faces on all those that work here ! On my honeymoon I ended up with an infection. The doctors and nurse staff where fantastic actually a blessing to be here and meet such great people! I also got to hear the word of God over the speaker in ER seems where ever i go I'm blessed despite the ups or downs thank you to all those I met at Peebles Hospital Tortola May the Lord bless you all ... 👆 Joseph Varney 💞

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